United States

Lisa Grewe

Operations Manager

Ask me about:

Dashboards, SharePoint, and homemade pizza

Lisa leverages her creativity, institutional knowledge, and technical skills to facilitate the ongoing success of the organization. She enjoys organizing data and concepts so colleagues and clients can more easily access the information they need. Examples include creating dashboards which allow clients to analyze their grantmaking results, developing an invoice management system for the accounting team which has increased internal efficiency, and building Geneva Global’s intranet site on SharePoint.

Entering the organization as an operations coordinator in 2003, Lisa’s flexible and adaptable nature has allowed her to contribute her multifaceted abilities to diverse roles throughout the growth of Geneva Global, including interim regional manager of the Asia research team, operations manager for Asia, client services manager, accounting associate, and IT manager. Lisa brings the skills gained in each of these positions to her current Operations role.

Before joining Geneva Global, Lisa volunteered full-time with Washington, D.C.-based AmeriCorps, working with Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia, where she gained experience in community development. Lisa has also worked as an architectural designer for Minneapolis-based Augsburg Fortress.

She graduated summa cum laude from Drexel University.

Why did you decide to work at Geneva Global?

While on vacation with my family as a child, I saw children my own age living in poverty and injustice. That experience stayed with me. I know my work at Geneva Global, even the mundane tasks, is a way to serve and stand with people in hard circumstances.

What three words would you use to describe your colleagues?

Without exception: kind, mission-driven, and creative

What’s an interesting fact that others would not know about you?

My husband and I have learned a number of dances together over the years: salsa, Philly bop, merengue, foxtrot, the waltz, and tango. Next up: the hustle?

What brings you joy?

Watching my children learn and grow.
